Internal Resorption (Pink Tooth of Mummery)



  • it is an idiopathic slow or fast progressive resorptive process occurring in dentin of the pulp chamber or root canals of teeth. 
  • It is known as pink tooth of mummery due to its pinking discoloration of crown and named after anatomist Mummery. 
First Reported by Bell in 1830.

Causes/ Etiology

Not Known, but generally patients have history of trauma.


  • It is a result of the osteoclastic activity.
  • Resorptive process is characterised by lacunae which may be filled by osteoid tissue
  • Osteoid tissue may be regarded as attempt of repair.


  • Asymptomatic 
  • Pain occurs if resorption perforates the root. 
  • Pink tooth is pathognomonic feature. 
  • Pulp shows either partial or complete necrosis. 
  • In crown may be manifested as a reddish area called “Pink Spot” which is due to granulation tisue showing throgh resorbed area. 


Clinically- Pink Tooth appearance.

Radiographic Changes-

-Well defined radiolucency of uniform density which balloons out of root canal- Gartner et al. 
-Original root canal outline is distorted. 
-Bone changes seen only when root perforation into PDL place.

Differential Diagnosis

-When it progresses into periodontal space and perforation of root occurs it is difficult to differentiate from external resorption. 

-In internal resorption defect is more extensive on pulpal wall than root surface.


Extirption of pulp stops resorption process. 

Routine endodontic treatment is indicated


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