Reversible Pulpitis- Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Introduction This is the first stage of pulpitis giving sharp hypersensitivity response to cold, but pain subsides on the removal of stimulus. Definition Reversible pulpitis: it is a mild to moderate inflammatory condition of the pulp caused by noxious stimuli in which the pulp is capable of returning to uninflamed condition following removal of stimuli. Types of Reversible Pulpitis There are two types of Reversible Pulpitis- Acute Reversible Pulpitis Pain occurs for short period of time (few hours and day) however pain immediately ceases when the stimulus is removed. Chronic Reversible Pulpitis Pain present for Long time (months) however pain immediately ceases on the removal of stimulus. Causes/Etiology of Reversible Pulpitis Causes/Etiology of Reversible Pulpitis Trauma to Tooth Heat produced when preparing a cavity with dull bur or without coolant Excessive dehydration of cavity Galvanic shock Chemical stimulus as from sweets and sour ...